We find out more about a great new doorgate for dogs that could be perfect for protecting younger or vulnerable visitors to your park home. 

Dog bites are common. Approx. 154,625 dog bites a year involve children aged 14 and under. Some 45% of injuries involve the arm and hand; 26% involved the leg and foot; 23% the head and neck. 

With animal safety in their business always having been at the forefront of their thinking - and in particular dog safety - 'petpreneurs' Julie and Peter Maxted have recently launched a doorgate through their business The Dog-G8 Company. 


The couple went looking for a simple and cost effective way of resolving the issue of dogs running out, as well as keeping the dogs safe behind an open door. They looked at various typed of 'gates' designed to try and stop this happening, however, felt they just didn't deal with all the aspects of this problem enough. They therefore, decided to develop their own safety gate. After many months of in-depth development, and also working with a Peterborough-based engineering company, the Dog-G8 was born. 

The beauty of this new product, Dog-G8, is that it fixes really neatly to the front door of a house, park home, caravan or motorhome and it is very attractive appearance. Dog-G8will stop a dog running out every time the door is opened, by keeping the dog safely behind a physical barrier. It also protects the caller at the door, which is really important. 


They have designed Dog-G8 to be easily removable when not required, and fully modular should you wish to extend the gate wider. 

The Dog-G8 Company believes it has developed a 'game-changer' regarding safety of dogs and callers to any home that has a Dog-G8 fitted. 

They are also very proud that Dog-G8 is a totally British-made product.